Fresh Seeds gathering
There we are ! It's now the perfect time to gather fresh tree seeds. For the next weeks, each time we pick new seeds, we will display them in this post. So it will be quick and clear to see new additions.
Have a nice fall !
September 12 2020
Aesculus glabra | Ohio Buckeye
Quercus alba | White Oak
September 13 2020
Betula alleghaniensis | Yellow Birch *
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur Oak
Quercus robur | English Oak
September 26 2020
Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple
Fagus grandifolia | American Beech
September 27 2020
Pinus strobus | White Pine
Rhus typhina | Staghorn Sumac
October 4 2020
Betula populifolia | Gray Birch *
Cladrastis lutea | Yellow-Wood *
October 13 2020
Juglans cinerea | Butternut
* Was already available in our catalog