
Quercus palustris

Pin Oak

Full profile

5,95 $


Unavailable for the moment

Hardiness Zone

4a (ref. Hydro-Québec)

Region of Origin

Midwestern United States and Southern Ontario

Mother Tree located in

Hannibal, Missouri

Seeds Type

Recalcitrant, that is to say seeds that cannot withstand desiccation and temperatures below freezing point; therefore cannot be stored in a cool, dry place for several months.

For germination, you must...

1. allow TWO MONTHS for seed treatment;
2. subject them to a scarification AND a cold stratification before sowing (follow the steps below in order).

Scarification : Soak the nuts (acorns) in water at room temperature for 24 hours.
Stratification (cold) : Line the nuts (acorns) on the side - the same as if they fell on the ground - in a bag (Ziploc Slider type) containing slightly premoistened peat moss. Seeds should be surrounded by the latter. Close the bag and place it in cool storage (between 1°C and 5°C) for approximately two months.
Seedlings : Take out the nuts (acorns) one by one from the bag and take care not breaking the germ (if there is one) and not turning them over on themselves. Bury lightly, less than a centimeter from the surface of the soil.