
Pinus resinosa

Red Pine

Full profile

5,95 $


Unavailable for the moment

Hardiness Zone

2b (ref. Hydro-Québec)

Region of Origin

Northeastern North America

Mother Tree located in

Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley, Québec

Seeds Type

Orthodox, that is to say seeds with the capability to withstand desiccation and freezing temperatures (-20°C) and may therefore be conserved for years, if not decades.

For germination, you must...

1. allow TWO MONTHS for seed treatment;
2. subject them to a scarification AND a cold stratification before sowing (follow the steps below in order).

Scarification : Soak the seeds in water at room temperature for 24 hours.
Stratification (cold) : Place the seeds in a bag (Ziploc Slider type) containing slightly premoistened peat moss. Seeds should be surrounded by the latter. Close the bag and place it in cool storage (between 1°C and 5°C) for approximately two months.
Seedlings : Remove the content from the bag and sow the seeds by broadcasting the mix on the growth medium. Bury lightly, less than five millimeters from the soil surface.